Saturday, April 16, 2011

Messages from Forever

This is a new story/post type I will do in my blog where i post messages or correspondences between two entites/ideas in a letter or diologue like format. I will often include a picture describing the place or scene where it take place or describes.

Image created by Drew Taylor

Message type: Correspondance Log
Sent: 8.35.5634
To: Royomii Verimanq
EntityID# FA83304-688-092443
From: Qwertii Daiu
EntityID# FA83304-122-867875
Message Distance: 34Ly
Travel time: 19 hrs
Wormholes traversed: 5
Network stations: 14

Hello Dear Frind Royomii,

It has been quite a time since we have last communicated. A few years at most. I hope everything is going well for you at the ringworld in orbit round Delta Pavonis. I saw the blog by your clade and you were in some of the entries. This reminded me of our lack of correspondence. I would like to give you some updates on what me and SaiSiem are doing now. Perhaps we can continue correspondence in the future.

Me and SaiSiem have migrated to a planet that orbits the hot star Bellatrix. Perhaps you are familiar with it in your constellations due to proximity. I have included an image of the star with appropriate filters to show it at the star. The image was taken near an axillary entrance in our tunnel network. The the image was recorded in the short period where the northern pole of the planet is exposed to the star. The planet is 1.7M⊕ but has lost its atmosphere due to intense solar radiation. You can observe its quite sizable moon, the moon is in an unstable orbit and will eventually be lost to space. Not for a few million years, however. This is an excellent place to have our artificial reality mainframes due to ample energy from the star and planet. We use geothermal from the planet for our operations, but we often need extra power that is provided by the star. Our facility is buried 1.4 kilometers below the surface with plenty of transport tunnels. I have just downloaded blueprints for a new boring machine of which I will start to 3d print soon, it can do a click a day. There are ample amounts of heavy metals and other materials on the planet. This is also a great benefit due to our need of it.

We share the planet with a couple hundred other individuals of varying clades and archetypes. There are several social gatherings a month, me and SaiSiem go to several to 'have a social life' as she says. Most people go in a variety of unique avatars, I still use the humanoid design I used when I was last with you. Call me old fashioned. We share a communication network on the planet, which receives information from the nexus station at the wormhole. It takes from 3 hours to 10 hours to communicate with the station, depending on where it is in respect to us. There are 12 other planets in system, each with a population. The system has a population of nearly a million, our planet is the third least populated. Most individuals prefer to stay further out though.

SaiSiem and I have been on-world for about 2 years, in that time we have built our home and a network of tunnel systems that go from place to place. We have domain over several hundred cubed kilometers of planet. I have enjoyed creating a network that connects to various places. Our neighbors are fairly benevolent and within a week we had a direct tunnel to all of them. My tunnels have a standardized vacume tube design, the vacume tube only takes up about half of the bored space. I leave the rest empty. Our central facility is a few hundred meters across and houses our mainframes and virtual reality nodes.

Me and SaiSiem have been having a happy time with our simulations and new home.

I Hope to continue correspondace, with love

Qwertii Daiu

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